The Joy of Getting Pregnant After Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

I advise my patients to avoid pregnancy for about four months after treatment with Botox for their vaginismus. This is a routine precaution because it is always best to avoid any type of drug or medication when trying to conceive. Even though Botox lasts only about 4 months, our patients are successfully dilating from the beginning of their treatment and are able to progress to the larger dilators and ultimately have pain-free intercourse. Once pain-free intercourse is achieved, we have found that patients do not need to be re-treated.

Safety of Botox

Since 2002, when Allergan received FDA approval to use Botox for frown lines, over one million people have had successful Botox injections to maintain their youthful appearance. Even though thousands of women have had uneventful pregnancies after Botox, and there is no association of Botox to congenital anomalies, it is still best to stay with caution and avoid getting pregnant.

Desire to Have a Family

A majority of my patients are married and have struggled with unconsummated marriages for many years. They have dealt with the pain and suffering of vaginismus; and now they are dealing with the pain and suffering knowing that they may never be able to have a child of their own.

A women’s desire to have a family is a strong one, especially around and after the age of 30. Women feel that their biological clock is ticking and all they can think about is having a child. They no longer want to tolerate this condition called “vaginismus” which is stopping them from having intercourse and ultimately having a child. Many of my patients decide at this time to seek out treatment for their vaginismus. Their strong desire for a baby gives these women the motivation to be successful in their treatment.

The Botox Treatment for Their Vaginismus Gives Them Hope . . .

Most of my patients find out about our Botox treatment while searching on the Internet or from a vaginismus forum. They do the research by reading everything they can on the subject. The stories of other women getting cured and getting pregnant gives them hope that their desire for an intimate relationship with their partner and for a baby can materialize. Once treated, these patients are very motived to be successful with their dilation and progressing to intercourse.

Post Procedure . . . The Blessings of Botox

What joy I get from receiving the emails or telephone calls from treated patients with the news that they are expecting a child! After 7 years of treating patients for vaginismus, many of my patients have been able to get pregnant and have a child – some have even had two pregnancies and now have two children. With each and every one, I feel their joy and happiness in their conceiving and giving birth. Many of our patients are even able to deliver their babies vaginally.

In her own words, a patient writes . . .

Dear Dr. Pacik, We wanted to inform you about the good news. I am now 5 weeks pregnant! And I am doing very well. The Botox procedure made all this possible and we cannot thank you enough for this wonderful gift.

Updated 2 years 3 months after her procedure . . .

Dear Dr. Pacik, Today, it has been two years and three months since I had the Botox procedure. I am still doing very well. I am enjoying sexual intercourse with my husband without any issues. I also delivered a second child — a cute baby girl a few months ago. The pregnancy went fine and I delivered my daughter vaginally. Labor was easy and it lasted around 35 minutes.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Another patient writes . . .

Hi Dr. Pacik, Just wanted to let you know that we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl 8 weeks ago (can’t believe how fast time has gone).
We are all well.
I had a normal delivery – although long, not as bad as I thought . . . Well I can say that now! I felt differently at the time. lol!
She was 8 lbs and is growing well and healthily, thank God.

I hope things are well on your end and the surgery is continuing to benefit many women like myself!
Take care.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

From Rae, a patient who is currently pregnant . . .

Rae was treated with Botox in December 2011 and was able to have successful intercourse at 2 weeks. Rae reports that she is having successful intercourse every day with the hope to become pregnant.

In early April 2012, Rae emails me the following:

We are finally starting to get settled into our new home and get a routine down. If it weren’t for you, my husband and I would not be trying to conceive (and this house that we built would have been a huge waste of money)!

In late April 2012, Rae emails me again with the following attachment:


The image says it all! Congratulations. We wish you the best!

Rae’s Story “Don’t Give Up” (link)  appears on our VaginismusMD website.

Our latest update from Rae

Good evening all! We have some fantastic news: We found out a few days early . . . We are pregnant again!!! The pregnancy will only be four weeks on Saturday.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

From another patient who is currently pregnant:

Good morning Dr Pacik! Yesterday, I took a home pregnancy test . . . and it was POSITIVE!!!!!!!!! We are both so excited and shocked! I have to make an appointment with the doctor just to be sure, but we are really excited :)

Update after the doctor’s appointment:

Hello Dr Pacik! I just wanted to give you an update from the doctor! I SAW THE BABY! with its adorable moving arms and leg . . . and its very quick beating heart!!!! It was so moving and wonderful!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Success Story on our VaginismusMD website

Candice, a 27-year-old patient struggled with vaginismus for 10 years, was able to achieve pain free intercourse two weeks after the Botox treatment program and ultimately was able to conceive.

She writes: Just thought I would let you all know that we are expecting a little one in August!!! . . . I always thought we would never have kids because I would just have this problem forever . . . Again, thank you thank you and thank you! :))

Candice’s story can be found in the Stories Section of our website “Baby on the Way”.

Success Story on our PlasticSurgeryPA website

Rachel was one of my earlier patients who was able to conceive and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Her wonderful story can be found on our plastic surgery website “Rachel: The Blessing of Botox”. A postscript to Rachel story is that she was able to conceive a second time and now has two children!

Another Success Story on our PlasticSurgeryPA website

Khadija’s was a patient that I treated in May 2009. She waited until the 4-month mark to try to conceive and was successful. Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage with her first pregnancy. In 2010, she became pregnant again and had a beautiful baby boy in January 2011. Her story can be found on our plastic surgery website “Khadija’s Story Updated: It’s a Boy

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.

Images used with permission by 123RF.

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About Dr. Pacik

Peter Pacik, MD, FACS is a recognized pioneer in treating patients with Botox for vaginismus and the author of When Sex Seems Impossible: Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy. He has been in practice for over thirty years and belongs to a small group of prestigious surgeons who are double board certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. In 2010, Dr. Pacik received FDA approval to continue his study to treat vaginismus using intravaginal injections of Botox together with progressive dilation under anesthesia.
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