VaginismusMD Forum: 200 members and going strong
With more than 200 members posting more than 800 messages involving more than 200 topics, the VaginismusMD Forum is truly a dream come true.
The VaginismusMD Forum has done so much for so many. Gone are the days when we don’t have answers for the complexities of vaginismus. Just post, ask your question, and the troops will respond! The Forum is less than six months old and started as a dream of mine that would allow women to connect with others to have a conversation about any struggles with vaginismus. I wanted to keep it simple so there would be ongoing threads as different topics evolved. I am blessed to have Heather as the moderator. She is tireless in her responses and support of others. She has gone beyond the call making herself available to those who simply need to speak or email privately to another woman.
Breaking down the walls of silence and isolation through community
The VaginismusMD Forum means so much to all of us. It provides a sense of community where no one is judged and no question is stupid. It allows everyone to bare their soul and ask anything about the many handicaps of living with vaginismus. It means not living in isolation. It is a source of education. It allows us to share experiences. It means having support after treatment, so that progress towards goals can be made whether rapid or tedious.
The word Forum comes from late Middle English and indicates an assembly, meeting place, etc. for the discussion of questions of public interest. Our Forum is truly such an assembly, discussing all matters pertinent to supporting and treating women with vaginismus.
As we all know, “I Have a Dream” was a speech delivered in 1963 by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. It was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. It paved the way so anyone and everyone, regardless of background, could dream of fulfilling their aspirations. My patients have a dream. They dream of a fulfilling marriage, they dream of raising a family, they dream of not having pain when they are having intercourse. They dream of being normal and not having to hide and make excuses to their friends why they don’t have a family.
I too have dreams. I dream of the day vaginismus is taught in medical school. I dream that one day any doctor that is involved with sexual concerns is properly prepared for this. I dream of the day my patients don’t have to visit with 8-10 GYN’s to get a diagnosis. I dream of the day I no longer read about suicidal thoughts from my patients. I dream that someday everyone will be familiar with vaginismus and that it will be as easy to speak about as erectile dysfunction. I dream that someday my email does not get blocked because the subject line has the word vaginismus, a variant of the word vagina, and gets spammed.
I dream that someday we will have an international organization dedicated to the welfare of vaginismus patients. That fund raisers, advocacy programs and public awareness will raise money for continued research in this field and to help those who cannot afford their treatment. I dream of the many children, yet unborn, that will be the pride and joy of their families.
It is important to dream. Years ago, during a very busy time in my life taking care of emergencies and surgery in a wide geographic area, my Mom asked “Peter, do you have dreams?” I was stunned by the question. I was unable to answer because I had stopped dreaming. I was too busy. Mom saw that I was uneasy and said “You always have to have dreams”. I now understand how true this is. It is the only way we can accomplish our goals. We have to be able to dream.
So, to all my wonderful ladies out there, do you have dreams? Please share your dreams with us so we can help make them come true. So that you will have the knowledge and the power to conquer, to achieve your goals. Tell us about your dreams!
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.