Finding a Clinic for Botox Injections

This following exchange appeared on one of the vaginismus website forums.


“Some days back, I came to know that I have vaginismus. I am willing to treat it with Botox. But my gyn is hesitant in applying botox. She says that she does not have the proper instruments for the procedure. Can you please guide me where can I find a doctor? It is urgent!!!!!! I really need help.” Anonymous


“There is a wonderful physician in New Hampshire, Dr. Peter Pacik, who specializes in treating vaginismus with Botox. I would highly recommend him to any woman out there who has this condition. I had the botox procedure and was able to have intercourse just one week later! I had previously suffered with the condition for 15 years. Now, we couldn’t be happier!!!”

Postscript from Dr. Pacik:

Now that Botox treatment for vaginismus is becoming more mainstream and doctors are embracing this form of therapy for vaginismus as well as many other indications for the use of this safe drug, patients suffering from vaginismus are having difficulty finding clinics to do this work. We are honored to have received FDA approval for the continued research that we are doing using not only Botox to treat vaginismus, but a detailed program consisting of dilation under anesthesia, and 2-3 days of post procedure counseling. This portion of our comprehensive program consists of supervised dilation, counseling on the use of the dilators, progressing to intercourse, sex therapy to improve libido, and preparation for future GYN exams. Our success rate has been consistently in the high 90% range since 2006. We are the only clinic in the United States to have received this FDA approval.

If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.

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About Dr. Pacik

Peter Pacik, MD, FACS is a recognized pioneer in treating patients with Botox for vaginismus and the author of When Sex Seems Impossible: Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy. He has been in practice for over thirty years and belongs to a small group of prestigious surgeons who are double board certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. In 2010, Dr. Pacik received FDA approval to continue his study to treat vaginismus using intravaginal injections of Botox together with progressive dilation under anesthesia.
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