Travel Information
In preparing to have the Botox Treatment for Vaginismus, it would be helpful for our office to have your travel information. Please provide the following information.
- Name & relationship of the person accompanying you
- Arrival information
- Day you are arriving
- Airport
- Flight information
- Departing information
- Day you are leaving
- Airport
- Flight information
- Cell phone while in New Hampshire (if possible)
- Hotel information
- Will you be renting a car or need transportation to and from your hotel
What to Bring
You may want to pack the following items for your comfort during the trip:
- Light feminine napkins – they help with comfort due to excess moisture from the lubricant and potential spotting from the injections.
- If you are within 2 weeks of starting your menstrual cycle, please be prepared just in case you have early onset.
- A few pairs of snug fitting undergarments – pack more than you think. Snug panties, work out shorts or other snug attire will help keep the dilator in place.
- Comfortable clothing especially for the first two days. You may not want anything tight or restrictive, due to tenderness of the injected area.
- Ibuprofen to help with post-procedure discomfort and swelling. Ibuprofen can easily be purchased at a local pharmacy within 5 minutes from our office.
- Something to entertain yourself during dilation down time on the second day in our office. Our office is equipped with Wireless Internet Access should you decide to bring your laptop or I-Pad. Books and magazines are also popular.
- You may want a travel pillow for comfort while traveling in a car in New Hampshire or for your return flight home.
Important Pre-Procedure Instructions:
Before your Botox Treatment for Vaginismus, it is very important that you follow these instructions so that the procedure may proceed as planned.
- You will be informed of your time of arrival and the expected time of your procedure.
- Do not eat anything after midnight (Eastern Standard Time, EST).
- Up to four hours before your procedure, you may drink a small quantity of clear fluids. This would include black coffee, tea without cream, apple juice, or any fluid that is clear. Sugar is OK.
- Four hours before your procedure, only small sips of water should be taken for any medications you need.
- Example: Normally, you will be asked to arrive at about 7:00 am for an 8:30 am procedure. If your procedure is scheduled for 8:30 am, you may drink a small quantity of clear fluids until 4:30 am. From 4:30 am to 8:30 am, only small sips of water should be taken for any medications you need.
Call Us
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and on Fridays from 8:30 am to noon Eastern Standard Time. We are also available by email and your email will be answered promptly. After hours, you will have Dr. Pacik’s contact information.
Dr. Pacik and his staff appreciate your trust in us and we look forward to meeting you. We will do everything possible to assure you receive the best quality care we can give and the courteous treatment you expect. We welcome your comments and suggestions.