Coping with Mother’s Day and Infertility

Coping with Mother’s Day and Infertility

It can be particularly difficult to face the many emotional issues raised by infertility at a time when everyone is celebrating motherhood. It is for this reason that I wrote the following blog last May 2013. Because I feel that this message is equally as important to share this year, I have included the entire post in this newsletter.

Mother’s Day and Infertility after Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

Many of the women that inquire about our Botox treatment for vaginismus have been dealing with their condition for many, many years. With each passing year, they are reminded that their chances of having a family grow slimmer and slimmer. Often, the number one reason to finally seek treatment and overcome vaginismus includes becoming pregnant and starting a family with their partner or husband.

Over the years, many of my treated patients have been successful in having one and two children. One of our patients even had twins! These are always wonderful occasions for my staff and me. We are always so happy to hear from our patients with the good news! There have been many wonderful postings on our VaginismusMD Forum of new babies and pregnancies. What joyous news!

Infertility after Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

If pregnancy doesn’t necessarily happen in the time frame expected due to infertility after Botox treatment for vaginismus, the approaching Mother’s Day holiday can be especially difficult. Infertility seems so unfair after conquering the huge obstacle of vaginismus. Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder to those who struggle with infertility and want so desperately to become pregnant and have their own little bundle of joy.

Coping with the Mixed Emotions of Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day approaching, recognize that you may have mixed emotions about this commemorative event. On one hand, you may want to honor your own mother or mother-in-law; on the other, this day epitomizes your feelings of loss, emptiness and envy because you have not been able to achieve entry into the motherhood club.

Fortunately, there are many great resources for you to access that can help you vent your feelings, as well as give you some strategies and tips to better manage the day. But know this day too will pass and that you are doing everything possible to make your dreams come true. So whether you are trying to cope or simply survive Mother’s Day, seek the help you need.

Resources for Coping with Infertility after Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

The American Fertility Association Blog: Surviving Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association: Coping with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day 

Fertility Authority: Two Renowned Therapists Provide Sage Advice 


Peter T. Pacik, MD, FACS